This CG fulldome 360 animation production was developed in collaboration with the Telus World of Science. The stories are based on First Nations Myths and Legends of the Constellations. Written and directed by Perry Shulak, the production will be running in cycles at the Telus World of Science. It is scheduled for distribution to dome theatres worldwide. It is the first ever immersive dome animation production to be done in Edmonton, and will be delivered in full 8K resolution.
The production is voiced by Julian Black Antelope, known locally for his role in the Blackstone TV series. It was developed with support from Betty Simon, of the local Maskwacis Cree community, and known First Nations Constellations expert, Wilfred Buck.
The vision and intent of the production is to bring awareness to the wisdom and timelessness of First Nation constellation stories, and expand the culture into the community.